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Which companies does Interbrokers represent?

We represent leading insurers worldwide, offering our customers excellent products and services.

What products and services do we offer?

  • International Health Insurance
  • Health Insurance for Expatriates
  • International Health Insurance for Mexican Residents
  • Property & Casualty Insurance.
  • Travel Insurance.
  • Art, Jewelry and Collectibles Insurance.
  • Personal Protection Insurance.

What is our provider network?

Our products have a wide network of suppliers globally. To find your corresponding provider, please contact our offices and specifying your health plan and the country where you are located. Venezuela: +58 0212-335-4991 / 0261-335-4833 Mexico +52 551-209-3554 United States +1 305-499-4360 / 786-528-5454/53 Or send us an email at

Which are the steps to follow when filing a claim?

Please notify the insurance company by calling the emergency number shown on your insurance card or by contacting our staff at: Venezuela: +58 0212-335-4991 / 0261-335-4833 Mexico +52 551-209-3554 United States +1 305-499-4360 / 786-528-5454/53 Or send us an email at Depending on your type of coverage, we will be showing the relevant Application Form Reimbursement to complete. It is essential at the time of filing a claim to attach the following documents:
  • Medical records or medical reports.
  • Results of diagnostic and laboratory tests.
  • Prescriptions.
  • Medical equipment request.
  • Original receipts (invoices specifying the treatments and services provided)
  • In case of a Travel claim, attach a copy of your air ticket, boarding proof or stamped passport.

What are the payment terms of the policies?

Depending on the type of product you have, the payment can be monthly (Domestic Policies), by Semester (International Health Policies) or Annualy (Other product lines, including international health).

What type of coverage(s) do you offer?

At Interbrokers, We offer individual and corporate coverage throughout the different product lines we provide.

What added value can we offer you?

We stablished good business relations and conditions with our insurance service providers, that we then offer to our associates and clients.

At Interbrokers we have developed strategies, designed to protect our clients’ wellbeing and assets.

Interbrokers functions as a service platform for our agents and customers. We provide them the necessary support in areas such as claims, renewals, emergencies and communication with the various insurance providers.

How can I obtain coverage?

Just contact us! You always will be guided by one of our highly qualified executives.

How do I know which product I need?

We will work as a team to manage your insurance needs, and to assess those needs with the best coverage.